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登山露營 CAMP & HIKE
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  • HS-609556

    Waffle 16 Chocolate

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    有機能量窩夫 Organic Waffles

    • HoneyStinger 系列中,最經典和熱賣的有機窩夫 
    • 多種碳水化合物,令身體更易吸收 
    • 好味道、有口感 
    • 建議運動前和運動期間進食
    • 卡路里:150-160cal
    • 碳水化合物含量:10-21g


    For years, similar waffles have been sold on street corners throughout Europe and eaten by professional cyclists, so we decided to create our own by sandwiching honey between two thin waffles. Honey Stinger Organic Waffles are easy to digest, certified organic and available in a single-serving wrapper.

    A thin layer of honey infused with natural cocoa flavor and sandwiched between two thin waffles. The delicious taste of chocolate and honey will satisfy your taste buds and keep you going as an afternoon snack, during your favorite activity or go great with your cup of coffee or tea.