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入會資格及申請辦法 :
‧ 在毅成一次過購物滿正價 HK$500 或以上,即享會員優惠!
‧ 或於 6 個月內累積收據滿折實價 HK$500 或以上,親臨任何一間分店,出示有效的正式收據及填妥入會表格後即可入會
‧ 我們亦有提供會員優惠給部份特定團體及機構,如出示指定團體或機構會員卡,可免費入會即享會員優惠
VIP 會員
‧ 凡在毅成一次過購物滿正價 HK$3,000 或以上,即享 VIP 優惠!
‧ 或於兩年內累積收據滿折實價HK$2,000或以上,親臨任何一間分店,出示有效的正式收據及填妥入會表格後即可入會
‧ 本身為會員的客人,亦可在會籍有效期內累積消費滿 HK$2,000或以上,系統會自動升級你的會籍為 VIP
‧ 需本身為毅成 VIP 會員方可申請
‧ 繳付行政費 HK$50,即獲永久 VIP 會籍,無須再續卡
‧ 現凡申請成為永久VIP會員,即時送你一張價值 HK$50 現金購物禮券!
‧ 會員選購正價貨品全年基本可享 9 折優惠,指定貨品更可享低至 8 折優惠
‧ VIP 會員選購正價貨品全年基本可享 85 折優惠,指定貨品更可享低至 75折優惠
‧ 除了全年折扣優惠外,我們定期會為 VIP 會員提供額外尊享優惠
‧ 公價貨品及特價貨品除外
‧ 成為會員後一年可於生日月份到門市享有一次性正價貨品七五折優惠
‧ 成為VIP後一年可於生日月份到門市享有一次性正價貨品七折優惠
‧ 優惠只限旺角、觀塘、銅鑼灣及元朗門市
‧ 只適用於指定品牌
‧ 為保障客人利益,會員及 VIP 需出示有效證明文件方可享用生日禮遇
‧ 生日優惠每年只可使用一次,並於生日月份內使用,逾期恕不受理
‧ 詳情請 按此
會員 VIP 積分計劃
‧ 會員 / VIP 現憑卡到毅成門市購物,即可賺取積分,換取金額回贈 / 現金禮券或心儀獎賞。詳情請按此
‧ 不同時節我們均會額外精選貨品,讓會員專享折扣優惠,詳見於店舖、網站及社交平台上
RC e-News 毅成電子通訊
‧ 定期送上最新產品資訊、第一手優惠情報及店舖最新活動資訊
‧ 會員可享優先預訂最新產品 / 限量版和減價貨品
‧ 會員卡在發出日起兩年內有效
續會方法 :
‧ 會員如未能於會籍有效期內升級至 VIP 會員,可消費滿折實價HK$100或以上,系統會自動續會兩年
‧ VIP 會員於會籍有效期內累積消費滿折實價HK$2,000或以上,系統會自動續會兩年
‧ 你亦可繳付行政費 HK$50,即獲永久 VIP 會籍,無須再續會,本店亦會即時送你一張價值 HK$50 現金購物禮券,感謝您對我們的支持!
如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。如有查詢,歡迎按此 WhatsApp (852) 6360-2944 或電郵至。
Entry Requirements and How to apply:
‧ Every single purchase with a total amount of HK$500 or above then could Enjoy instant member discount!
‧ Or accumulation of purchase with a total amount of HK$500 or above within 6 months.
‧ We also provide member discount to groups and organisations member, if they can present authorized organisation member card.
VIP Member
‧ One-off purchase (Regular Priced Items only) with HK$3,000 or above then could Enjoy instant VIP member discount!
‧ Or an accumulation of purchase with HK$2,000 or above within 2 years.
‧ Applicant must be a VIP member.
‧ VIP Life memership is given after paying HK$50. You would be given a cash coupon at HK$50 simultaneously. No any renewal is needed anymore!
Member Preferential & Privileges :
Year-round Discount Offers
‧ After becoming a member for one year, you can enjoy a one-time 25% discount on regular-priced items in stores during your birthday month
‧ After becoming a VIP for a year, you can enjoy a one-time 30% discount on regular-priced items in stores during your birthday month
‧ The offer is only available in Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, Causeway Bay and Yuen Long stores
‧ Member could enjoy basic 10% discount for all regular-priced items and up to 20% discount for selected items.
‧ VIP Member could enjoy basic 15% discount on all regular-priced items and up to 25% discount for selected items.
‧ Fixed priced and special-priced items are not included.
Member Birthday Offer
‧ Members can enjoy a one-time 25% off discount on regular-priced items in stores in their birthday month every year
‧ VIPs can enjoy a one-time 30% off discount on regular-priced items in stores in their birthday month every year
‧ The offer is only available in Mong Kok, Causeway Bay and Yuen Long stores
‧ Only applicable to designated brands
‧ To protect the customers' interests members and VIPs must present valid identification documents to enjoy birthday offer
‧ The birthday discount can only be used once a year and within the birthday month. Expiration will not be accepted.
‧ For details, please click here
Membership Bonus Point Program
‧ Members can earn bonus point for every dollar spent at RC Outfitters. Bonus points can be used to redeem selected Gifts. For details, please check here.
Extra Seasonal Discount Offers
‧ On seasonal promotion, we would offer extra discount or exclusive items to members/ VIP members. Those selected items will be posted in our shop and on our website.
RC e-News
‧ Our e-newsletters keep you updated on our hot products, 1st hand great offers and shop events.
Pre Order Service
‧ Members have a privilege to pre-order new arrival/ limited edition/ extra discounted items.
2 Years Membership
‧ Membership is valid for 2 years from the issue date of the member card.
Renewal of Membership
‧ Member, who fails to upgrade his / her membership to VIP member within 2 years but with accumulative purchase over discounted price HK$100 or more, could renew membership automatically.
VIP Member
‧ VIP Member, who is with accumulative purchase of HK$2,000 or more within 2 years, could renew membership automatically.
‧ Or apply VIP LIFE member by paying HK$50. Then no more renewal is needed anymore!!
*A cash coupon at HK$50 is given simultaneously.
In case of any dispute, RC Outfitters reserves the final decision. For inquiries, please click here for WhatsApp at (852) 6360-2944 or e-mail to: