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    Gerber Controller 6" Folding Fillet Knife Salt

    Controller 6"" 折疊魚片刀是冒險家的完美伴侶。

    ‧ Guidefins™
    ‧ 在凌亂的條件下無與倫比的控制
    ‧ Hydrotread Grip™
    ‧ 帶有凸起部分,可將水分帶走,以獲得無與倫比的抓地力,易於清潔
    ‧ 6” 帶有浮雕蝕刻的刀片
    ‧ 鏡面拋光刀片,耐腐蝕
    ‧ 纖薄設計,易於包裝
    ‧ SALTRx™
    ‧ 經過優化以承受惡劣的鹽水環境,增加了耐腐蝕性

    直觀的 GuideFins™ 和触覺 HydroTread Grip™ 提供對刀具的終極控制,即使在濕滑的條件下也能實現平滑、乾淨的切割。 SALTRx™ 專為滿足鹹水漁民的需求而設計,可提供卓越的防腐蝕、防磨損和惡劣環境保護。

    The Controller 6"" Folding Fillet Knife is the perfect companion for the adventurer.

    ‧ Guidefins™
    ‧ Unrivaled control in messy conditions
    ‧ Hydrotread Grip™
    ‧ Engineered For Traction With Raised Sections That Channel Moisture Away For Unsurpassed Grip That’s Easy To Clean.
    ‧ 6” Blade with Relief Etching
    ‧ Mirror polished blade for corrosion resistance
    ‧ Slim design for easy packability
    ‧ SALTRx™
    ‧ Optimized to withstand harsh saltwater environments w/ added corrosion resistance

    The intuitive GuideFins™ & tactile HydroTread Grip™ offer ultimate control of the knife for smooth, clean cuts, even in slippery conditions. Engineered to meet the needs of the saltwater fisherman, SALTRx™ offers superior protection against corrosion, wear, and tough environments.