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    Compass Terra Ranger S

    Terra Ranger S是一款易於使用的鏡面瞄準指南針,受到許多戶外愛好者的使用和讚賞;例如登山者、徒步旅行者和獵人。

    • 蓋子及刻度環採用REVO材質
    • 可拆卸安全掛繩 – 安裝簡單/拆卸
    • 地圖測量比例尺; 1:25、1:50 和毫米
    • 橡膠握把 – 易於操作且與地圖摩擦力大
    • 太空艙內的赤緯刻度
    • 可旋轉外殼 – 與 SILVA 1-2-3 System® 搭配使用
    • 夜光標記,可實現夜間導航
    • 堅固的材料,可承受惡劣的處理和條件
    • 易於操作,適合您的戶外探險
    • 泰拉包裝

    IP等級: 防水
    指南針類型: 瞄準

    選擇 Silva 更永續的 Terra Ranger S,選擇更光明的未來 - 由大麻和再生塑膠製成。

    Terra Ranger S 屬於 Silva Terra:由回收材料製成的產品系列,碳排放量減少 90%。 Terra Ranger S 上的蓋子和刻度環由 REVO 材料製成。

    當您必須長距離確定方向時,Terra Ranger S 鏡面瞄準指南針應該是您的選擇。 Ranger S 採用橡膠手柄,易於操作,艙內配有可隨處使用的赤緯刻度和可拆卸的安全釋放掛繩。底板地圖,測量單位為毫米,比例為 1:50,000 和 1:25,000。 Ranger S 的額外好處是鏡面瞄準功能有 45 度角輔助。適合專業指南針使用者的隨身工具。


    SILVA TERRA – 再利用、減少、回收

    Terra 的意思是地球,帶有 Silva Terra 標籤的產品對環境的影響較小。我們渴望更光明的未來,Silva Terra 是我們實現這一目標的計劃。我們的策略易於理解且眾所周知—再利用、減少、回收。 Silva Terra 是我們對未來的承諾和貢獻。一步一步,一個產品一個產品。

    Terra Ranger S is an easy-to-use mirror sighting compass that is used and appreciated by many outdoor enthusiasts; e.g. climbers, hikers and hunters. 

    ‧ Lid and graduation ring made in REVO material
    ‧ Detachable safety lanyard – Easy to attach/detach
    ‧ Map measuring scales; 1:25, 1:50 and mm
    ‧ Rubber grip – easy handling and great friction against the map
    ‧ Declination scale inside the capsule
    ‧ Rotatable housing – use with the SILVA 1-2-3 System®
    ‧ Luminous markings that enables night navigation
    ‧ Robust material that withstands tough treatment and conditions
    ‧ Easy to handle for your outdoor adventure
    ‧ Terra Packaging

    Accuracy: 1°
    Dimensions (cm): 8.8x5.9x1.7
    Included accessories: Detachable lanyard
    Ip classification: Waterproof
    Measuring scales: mm1:25000, 1:50000
    Type of compass: Sighting
    User level: Advanced

    Choose a brighter future with the more sustainable Terra Ranger S from Silva - made from hemp and recycled plastics.This compass has all the necessary features you need for your adventures.

    Terra Ranger S belongs to Silva Terra: a product series made of recycled materials with 90% less carbon emissions. The lid and graduation ring on Terra Ranger S are made of REVO material.

    Terra Ranger S mirror sighting compass should be your choice when you must determine direction over long distances. The Ranger S features rubber grip for easy handling and comes with a use-anywhere declination scale inside the capsule and a detachable safety-release lanyard. A base plate map-measuring in mm and scales of 1:50,000 and 1:25,000. Ranger S has the additional benefit of 45-degree angle assistance on the mirror sighting function. A go-anywhere tool for serious compass users.

    This compass features a mirror that allows you to view the compass dial and the background at the same time. The fact that the compass dial can be seen at the same time the reference point is aligned makes mirror compasses more desirable for taking accurate bearings. A mirror-sighting compass is at its best in open terrain where you must determine direction over long distances.


    Terra means Earth, and products labelled Silva Terra have lower environmental footprint. We long for a brighter future and Silva Terra is our plan to make it happen. Our strategy is easy to understand and well known – reuse, reduce, recycle. Silva Terra is our commitment and our contribution to the future. Step by step, product by product.