10g Protein Bar - Dark Choc. Mint Almond
這款有機蜂蜜蛋白質營養棒融合了清爽的薄荷和杏仁,外層包著黑巧克力,是一款方便攜帶、含豐富營養的健康零食或代餐。亦適合健身訓練後蛋白質及營養補充品。 黑巧克力薄荷杏仁蛋白棒含有無麩質成分和零反式脂肪,含有超過25%的美國USDA認證有機蜂蜜,10克乳清蛋白(20%RDA),23種維生素和礦物質,鈣和抗氧化劑。
The Honey Stinger Protein Bar is the perfect bar for endurance training. It contains whey protein and 30% honey, making it the perfect way to restore glycogen levels after a long training day or post-race without upsetting your gut. A mix of sugars and protein is needed for both quick and long-lasting energy, and this bar does the trick.