登山露營 CAMP & HIKE
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  • AMK2075-5001

    急救包 Mountain Series Intl Hiker

    Hiker 是夜間探險的必備伴侶,它包含精心挑選的急救用品,可治療常見的旅程傷害和疾病。

    • 荒野急救手冊 – 利用隨附的遠足急救指南中的最新荒野急救信息,了解如何治療常見的野外傷害和疾病。
    • 依傷勢整理 – 使用創傷墊快速止血,使用蝶形繃帶和醫用膠帶閉合傷口,並使用彈性繃帶固定扭傷的腳踝或拉傷,以便您安全外出。
    • 野外傷口護理 – 使用創傷墊快速止血,使用蝴蝶繃帶和醫用膠帶閉合傷口,並使用彈性繃帶穩定扭傷的腳踝或拉傷,以便您可以安全地徒步旅行。
    • 快速找到物品 – 即使在黑暗中也能快速找到您需要的護理物資。外部套件地圖顯示補給品的位置,而反光設計可協助您在夜間快速找到套件。
    • 輕量耐用 – 打包您所需的所有急救用品,而不會加重您的背包重量。這款小型健行急救箱重量不到 8 盎司。並附有耐用、防水的醫療包。
    適合 1-2 人週末旅行 – 讓您和朋友為週末旅途中可能遇到的一切做好準備。

    5 - 織物繃帶,1 英寸 x 3 英寸
    5 - 創可貼、織品、指關節
    1 - 荒野急救指南
    3 - 蝴蝶閉合繃帶
    1 - 布膠帶,1 英吋 x 2.5 碼
    2 - 無菌紗布敷料,3" x 3"
    1 - 無菌紗布敷料,2" x 2"
    1 - 繃帶,合格紗布,無菌,2"
    1 - 彈性繃帶,2"
    1 - 創傷墊,5 英寸 x 9 英寸,1 個。
    1 - 無菌非黏性敷料,2" x 3"
    1 - 鼴鼠皮,預切/成型
    1 - 碎片/蜱蟲移除鉗
    1 - 急救剪,4"
    1 - 丁腈手套 Pkg/1 雙
    1 - 安全別針


    The must-have companion for overnight adventures, the Hiker contains carefully-selected first aid supplies to treat common on-the-trail injuries and illnesses.

    ‧ Wilderness First Aid Manual – Know how to treat common backcountry injuries and illnesses with the up-to-date wilderness first aid information in the included hiking first aid guide.
    ‧ Organized by Injury – Stop bleeding quickly with the trauma pad, close wounds with butterfly bandages and medical tape, and stabilize sprained ankles or strains with the elastic bandage so you can hike out safely.
    ‧ Backcountry Wound Care – Stop bleeding quickly with the trauma pad, close wounds with butterfly bandages and medical tape, and stabilize sprained ankles or strains with the elastic bandage so you can hike out safely.
    ‧ Find it Fast Design – Find the emergency supplies you need quickly, even in the dark. The external kit map shows where supplies are located, while the reflective design helps you find the kit quickly at night.
    ‧ Lightweight & Durable – Pack all the first aid supplies you need without weighing down your pack. This compact hiking first aid kit weighs less than 8 oz. and features a durable, water-resistant medical bag.
    ‧ For 1-2 People on a Weekend Trip – Prepares you and a friend for whatever you may experience during a weekend on the trail.

    5 - Adhesive Bandage, Fabric, 1" x 3"
    5 - Adhesive Bandage, Fabric, Knuckle
    1 - Wilderness First Aid Guide
    3 - Bandage, Butterfly Closure
    1 - Cloth Tape, 1" x 2.5yds
    2 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 3" x 3"
    1 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 2" x 2"
    1 - Bandage, Conforming Gauze, Sterile, 2"
    1 - Elastic Bandage, 2"
    1 - Trauma Pad, 5'' x 9'', 1 ea.
    1 - Sterile Non-Adherent Dressing, 2" x 3"
    1 - Moleskin, Pre-Cut/Shaped
    1 - Splinter/Tick Remover Forceps
    1 - EMT Shears, 4"
    1 - Nitrile Gloves Pkg/1 pair
    1 - Safety Pin

    This compact hiking first aid kit prepares you and a friend for whatever you may experience during a weekend on the trail.