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    Compass Typ 1933

    Compass Typ 1933 是一款傳統底板指南針,其靈感源自 1930 年代、1940 年代和 1950 年代的經典 Silva 指南針。

    • 復古外觀與現代功能,如全球指南針
    • 方便抓握的羅盤環,採用耐用的 CNC 鋁材製成,帶有可旋轉羅盤外殼、內置放大鏡和夜間導航用夜光標記
    • 包括以毫米和英吋為單位的 1:50,000 和 1:25,000 地圖測量比例,使其與大多數地圖相容。
    • 以耐用材料製成,可承受惡劣的天氣條件。

    它具有現代功能,例如全球羅盤針、內建放大鏡和耐用的 CNC 鋁製的易於抓握的羅盤環。 Compass Typ 1933 採用復古包裝交付。
    靈感源自舊款 Silva 指南針型號
    1933 年,Kjellström 兄弟與 Gunnar Tillander 一起發明了第一個 Silva 指南針。 為了向他們致敬,我們設計了 Compass Typ 1933,靈感來自 Silva 1930 年代、1940 年代和 1950 年代的舊指南針型號。 指南針配有可拆卸的紅繩,採用灰色毛氈盒,採用復古包裝,並帶有席爾瓦早期的標誌。

    Compass Typ 1933 is a traditional baseplate compass inspired by the classic Silva compasses from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.

    ‧ A retro look with modern features such as a global compass needle
    ‧ A grip-friendly compass ring in durable CNC aluminum with rotatable compass housing, a built-in magnifying lens, and luminous markings for night navigation
    ‧ Includes map-measuring scales of 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 in millimeters and inches, making it compatible with most maps.
    ‧ Made of durable material that withstands challenging weather conditions.

    It features modern features such as a global compass needle, a built-in magnifying lens, and a grip-friendly compass ring in durable CNC aluminum. The Compass Typ 1933 is delivered in retro packaging.
    Inspired by older Silva compass models
    In 1933, The Kjellström brothers along with Gunnar Tillander, invented the first Silva compass. To honor them, we designed the Compass Typ 1933, inspired by Silva's older compass models from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The compass features a detachable red cord and comes in a gray felt case in retro packaging with Silva's early logo.