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    環保物料頭燈 Terra Scout XT

    Terra Scout XT 由麻類植物和再生塑膠製成,是一款可持續、輕巧且實用的頭燈,專為您的日常戶外探險而設計。

    • 350流明^光度
    • 重量 84 公克(含電池)/ 51 公克(不含電池)
    • 最大模式:350 lm / 5-5.5 h 燃燒時間 / 65 m (213 ft) 光距
    • 最小模式:50 lm / 32 小時燃燒時間 / 30 m (98 ft) 光距
    • 由大麻和 100% 再生塑膠製成
    • 混合技術 – 相容於 Silva 充電電池和標準 AAA 電池
    • 3 顆 AAA 電池(不含),電池續航力長達 70 小時
    • Silva 智慧燈 – 結合遠距離聚光燈和近距離泛光燈
    • 重量輕且頭帶寬,配戴舒適
    • 夜視模式 – 紅光模式保留您的夜視能力
    • 電池電量指示器 – 關閉時告知剩餘電量
    • 大開/關按鈕 – 戴手套時也能輕鬆操作
    • 防水 – ​​頭燈和電池組符合 IPX5 標準

    ^True Lumen
    我們的流明值是在打開燈後 30 秒測量的。 我們根據 ANSI FL1 標準測量流明。

    LED 類型:2 個半高功率 LED,1 個紅色 LED
    最大光距:213.25 英尺/65 m
    最小光距:98.43 英尺/30 m
    最大光度:350 流明
    最小光度:50 流明
    重量(不含電池):51 克/1.8 盎司
    重量(含電池):84 克/2.96 盎司

    Terra Scout XT 具有 350 流明、夜視模式、IPX5 防水、電池電量指示器和混合技術,這意味著電池倉相容於可充電 Silva 混合電池(1.25 Ah/4.6 Wh)和標準 AAA 電池。 本產品可單獨購買 Silva 混合電池。

    選擇更光明的未來,並透過更永續的 Terra Scout XT 做出改變。 這款頭燈由大麻植物纖維和再生塑膠製成,與標準塑膠相比,這種材料的二氧化碳排放量降低了 90%。

    兩種 LED 燈光顏色
    Terra Scout XT 有兩種不同顏色的 LED 燈:白色和紅色。 白光是戶外活動、閱讀和日常使用的標準光,而紅光有助於保護您的夜視能力。

    這是一款易於使用的頭燈。 大的開/關按鈕使即使戴著手套也能輕鬆操作頭燈,電池電量指示器會在關閉時告知剩餘電量。 此外,Terra Scout XT 具有符合 IPX5 標準的防水功能。 頭燈重量輕,頭帶寬,即使在長途健行和活動中也能確保舒適貼合。

    Terra Scout 系列的電池倉可相容於 AAA 電池和可單獨購買的 Silva 混合電池 (38007)。

    SILVA TERRA – 再利用、減少、回收

    Terra 的意思是地球,帶有 Silva Terra 標籤的產品對環境的影響較小。 我們渴望更光明的未來,Silva Terra 是我們實現這一目標的計劃。 我們的策略易於理解且眾所周知—再利用、減少、回收。 Silva Terra 是我們對未來的承諾和貢獻。 一步一步,一個產品一個產品。

    Terra Scout XT is made of hemp and recycled plastics – a sustainable, lightweight, and useful headlamp designed for your everyday outdoor adventures.

    ‧ 350 lumen^ light output
    ‧ Weight 84 g incl battery / 51 g excl battery
    ‧ Max mode: 350 lm / 5-5.5 h burn time / 65 m (213 ft) light distance
    ‧ Min mode:50 lm / 32 h burn time / 30 m (98 ft) light distance
    ‧ Made from hemp and 100% recycled plastics
    ‧ Hybrid technology – compatible with both Silva rechargeable battery and standard AAA batteries
    ‧ 3 x AAA batteries (not included) with a battery burn time up to 70 hours
    ‧ Silva Intelligent Light – combining long reach spot light and close flood light
    ‧ Comfortable fit – thanks to low weight and the wide headband
    ‧ Night vision mode – the red light mode preserves your night vision
    ‧ Battery level indicator – informs about the remaining charge level when turned off
    ‧ Large on/off button – easy to operate also when wearing gloves
    ‧ Water resistant – headlamp and battery pack meet IPX5 standard

    ^True lumen
    Our lumen values are measured 30 seconds after switching the lamp on. We measure lumen according to the ANSI FL1 STANDARD.

    Battery indication: Red,Green / Body
    Battery specification: 3xAAA (not included), Hybrid battery (not included)
    Flash warning: No
    Included accessories: Headlamp, Head band, Quick guide
    Led type: 2 x semi high power LEDs, 1 x red LED
    Light distance max: 213.25 feet / 65 m
    Light distance min: 98.43 feet / 30 m
    Lightmodes: Intelligent Light, Max, Min // Red
    Lumen max: 350
    Lumen min: 50
    Weight excl battery: 51 g / 1.8 oz
    Weight incl battery: 84 g / 2.96 oz

    Terra Scout XT features 350 lumen, night vision mode, IPX5 water protection, battery level indicator and Hybrid Technology, meaning the battery compartment is compatible with both the rechargeable Silva Hybrid Battery (1.25 Ah/4.6 Wh) and standard AAA batteries. The Silva Hybrid Battery can be purchased separately for this product.

    Choose a brighter future and make a difference with the more sustainable Terra Scout XT. This headlamp is made of plant fibers from hemp and recycled plastics – a material that has up to 90% lower CO2 footprint compared to standard plastics.

    Terra Scout XT has two different colored LED lights, white and red. The white light is the standard light for outdoor activities, reading and everyday use, whereas the red light helps preserving your night vision.

    This is an easy-to-use headlamp. The large on/off button makes it easy to operate the headlamp even when wearing gloves and the battery level indicator informs about the remaining charge level when turned off. Furthermore, Terra Scout XT is water resistant according to IPX5 standard. The low weight of the headlamp and the wide headband ensure a comfortable fit even during long hikes and activities.

    The battery compartment of the Terra Scout series is compatible with both AAA batteries and Silva Hybrid Battery (38007) that can be purchased separately.


    Terra means Earth, and products labelled Silva Terra have lower environmental footprint. We long for a brighter future and Silva Terra is our plan to make it happen. Our strategy is easy to understand and well known – reuse, reduce, recycle. Silva Terra is our commitment and our contribution to the future. Step by step, product by product.