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‧ 由地形總署編制
‧ 為徒步旅行及熱愛大自然的人士提供資料,協助他們往郊外旅遊及尋幽搜勝
‧ 以彩色雙面防水環保合成紙及摺本形式印製
‧ 除香港島及鄰近島嶼版本以 1:20,000 比例印製外,其他版本一律以 1:25,000 比例印製
‧ Prepared by the Lands Department HKSAR
‧ Designed to assist hikers and nature lovers in exploring the rural countryside, especially the country park areas
‧ Printed in color double-sided waterproof environmental friendly synthetic paper and folded
‧ All editions are printed at 1:25,000 scale, except for Hong Kong Island and neighbouring islands at 1:20,000 scale