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    德國日用背囊 Hiking Pack 30

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    登山背包 Tatonka Hiking Pack 30,配備 RECCO® 反射器,部分採用回收材料製成。

    ‧ X Vent 通風背負系統
    ‧ 配備RECCO®反射器
    ‧ 分開的主隔層和底隔層
    ‧ 設有登山杖固定圈
    ‧ 全面輕量化、非常靈活、透氣的肩帶
    ‧ 可調節高度胸帶
    ‧ 帶拉鍊口袋的透氣腰帶
    ‧ 側壓縮帶
    ‧ 手挽
    ‧ 鑰匙扣
    ‧ 防雨罩
    ‧ 兼容水袋
    ‧ 彈性材質的側袋
    ‧ 扁平拉鍊前袋,可直接進入內袋

    尺寸:52 x 25 x 15 厘米
    重量:1050 克
    背負系統1:X Vent Zero-System
    面料1:reTex 6.6
    面料 2:T-Snow Crust
    面料 3:Tec Rip 5.0

    Tatonka Re-Tex 6.6
    雷泰克斯 6.6
    由 40% 可回收材料製成的有紋理的聚酯織物。堅固且不褪色的材料配有防水 PU 塗層。

    (100% 聚酰胺)
    輕盈耐磨的聚酰胺織物,具有類似於母雪晶的精細圖案。感謝材料內部的 PU 塗層是防水的。 T-Snow Crust 用於背包和包袋。

    Tatonka Tec Rip 5.0
    TEC RIP 5.0
    (82% 聚酰胺,18% 滌綸)
    由聚酰胺和聚酯(82% PA,18% PES)製成的堅固、抗撕裂面料具有精緻的格子圖案,並配有 PU 塗層以使其防水。

    Tatonka Hiking Pack 30 具有通風的背部系統和功能特性,是任何徒步旅行的理想伴侶。通過應急反射器RECCO® 背包大大提高安全度。

    X Vent Zero 攜帶系統和定制功能
    Tatonka 開發的 X Vent Zero 背負系統加快汗水蒸發速度。背包採用帶襯墊的通風肩帶、通風腰帶和可調節胸帶舒適地固定。

    Hiking Pack 30 實用地細分為主隔層和底部隔層、正面的拉鍊隔層、彈性側袋和臀鰭上的拉鍊袋。它還配備了登山杖固定圈和兼容水袋,再配以防雨罩,即使天氣幻變亦無阻它的優越性。

    隨時應對緊急情況:RECCO® 反射器
    遠足者在山上迷路的次數比許多人想像的要多得多。這就是我們在 Hiking Pack 30 的蓋子上放置 RECCO® 反射器的原因。它使救援組織能夠使用 RECCO® 直升機探測器快速定位失踪人員。 RECCO® 反射器不需要電力、電池或保養。

    Tatonka 為環保出一分力
    Hiking Pack 30 部分由回收材料製成。這就是為什麼我們用我們的綠色標籤來標記它。這就是我們如何識別我們使用可持續、環保和資源節約材料的產品,並滿足我們對高功能、最佳質量和保護生態的要求。

    Large hiking backpack Tatonka Hiking Pack 30 with RECCO® reflector. Partly made of recycled materials.

    ‧ X Vent Zero Carrying System
    ‧ Equipped with RECCO® reflector
    ‧ Divided main and bottom compartments
    ‧ Fixation for hiking poles
    ‧ Material reduced, very flexible, ventilated shoulder straps
    ‧ Height adjustable chest belt
    ‧ Ventilated hip belt with a zipped pocket
    ‧ Side compression straps
    ‧ Handle
    ‧ Key holder
    ‧ Rain cover
    ‧ Hydration system compatible
    ‧ Side pockets made of an elastic material
    ‧ Flat zip-up front pocket with insert compartments

    Measurements: 52 x 25 x 15 cm
    Volume: 30L
    Weight: 1050 g
    Carrying system 1: X Vent Zero-System
    Fabric 1: reTex 6.6
    Fabric 2: T-Snow Crust
    Fabric 3: Tec Rip 5.0

    Tatonka Re-Tex 6.6
    RETEX 6.6
    (100% Polyester)
    A textured polyester fabric made of 40% recycled materials. The robust and colorfast material is equipped with a waterproof PU coating.

    (100% Polyamide)
    Lightweight, abrasion resistant polyamide fabric with fine patterning that resembles parent snow crystals. Thanks PU coating on the inside of the material is waterproof. T-Snow Crust is used in backpacks and bags.

    Tatonka Tec Rip 5.0
    TEC RIP 5.0
    (82% Polyamide, 18% Polyester)
    The robust, tear-resistant fabric made of polyamide and polyester (82% PA, 18% PES) has a delicate check pattern and is equipped with a PU coating to make it waterproof.

    With its ventilated back system and its functional features, the Tatonka Hiking Pack 30 is an ideal companion on any hiking tour. And with the integrated emergency reflector, the RECCO® backpack also offers a useful safety feature.

    X Vent Zero carrying system and custom-fit features
    The X Vent Zero carrying system developed by Tatonka does without a mesh back so that the hiking backpack rests only minimally on the back. This allows sweat moisture to evaporate optimally. The backpack is comfortably fixed with padded, ventilated shoulder straps, ventilated hip belt and adjustable chest strap.

    The Hiking Pack 30 has a practical subdivision into main and bottom compartment, a zipped compartment on the front, elastic side pockets and a zipped pocket on the hip fin. It also is equipped with a hiking pole holder and a drinking system preparation. And thanks to the integrated rain cover even the weather becomes a minor matter.

    Always there for emergencies: the RECCO® reflector
    Much more often than many think, hikers get lost in the mountains. That’s why we’ve put a RECCO® reflector on the lid of the Hiking Pack 30. It enables rescue organisations to locate missing persons quickly using a RECCO® helicopter detector. The RECCO® reflector always works. Nor does it need electricity, battery or maintenance.

    GREEN by Tatonka
    The Hiking Pack 30 is partly made of recycled materials. That’s why we have labelled it with our GREEN label. This is how we identify products in which we use sustainable, environmentally friendly and resource-conserving materials and which meet our requirements for high functionality, best quality and minimization of the ecological footprint.