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    防墮器 Belay Pro Guide Lite Gunmetal/Tangerine

    Pro Guide Lite 符合人體工學、流暢且易於操作,適合登山運動員和冒險登山者在山區和峭壁環境中使用

    重量:70 克/2.68 盎司

    我們先進的保護工具展示了卓越的工程設計,這款非常輕巧的設備已被修剪掉所有多餘的部分。其深羅紋凹槽可處理從 7.7 毫米以上的高山繩索等各種繩索。在「引導模式」下操作,專業引導精簡版非常適合雙人使用,並在每次跌倒時完美鎖定。該工具具有適合鎖扣的更大“釋放槽”,可在負載下輕鬆釋放。 Pro Guide Lite 符合人體工學、流暢且易於操作,適合登山運動員和冒險登山者在山區和峭壁環境中使用。

    For use in mountain and crag environments by alpinists and adventure climbers, the Pro Guide Lite is ergonomic, smooth and simple to operate

    Weight:~ 70 gmsg / 2,68 oz 

    Our advanced belay tool demonstrates engineering excellence and this remarkably lightweight device has been trimmed of all excess. Its deep ribbed grooves handle a vast range of ropes from 7.7mm alpine cords upwards. Operated in ‘guide mode’, the pro guide lite is perfect for bringing up twin followers and locks perfectly with every fall. With a larger ‘release slot’, suitable for a karabiner, the tool is simple to release under load. For use in mountain and crag environments by alpinists and adventure climbers, the Pro Guide Lite is ergonomic, smooth and simple to operate.