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  • SOL0140-1727

    求生包 Scout Survival Kit

    防水的 SOL Scout 求生包包含緊急情況下生死攸關的生存工具。

    • 易被看到和聽到 – 使用 Mini Rescue Flash™ 信號鏡將您的位置廣播到 10 英里之外,使用 100dB Slim Rescue Howler™ 無耳口哨將您的位置廣播到 1 英里之外。
    • 修復自己 – 迷你捲膠帶可修復裝備或自己。
    • 點燃營火和營爐 – Fire Lite™ 撞針具有防水功能,經過測試可產生超過 5,000 顆火花; Tinder Quik™ 即使在潮濕的情況下也能燃燒長達兩分鐘。
    • 保持溫暖 – 救生毯可反射 90% 的身體輻射熱量。
    • 抵禦各種惡劣天氣 – 專業品質的射頻焊接乾燥袋,帶有捲式封口,可在任何條件下保持內容物乾燥。
    • 找到回去的路 – 充滿液體的按鈕指南針可幫助您確定方位。
    • 釣魚工具包-一旦您的緊急需求(醫療、住所、暖氣和補水)得到解決,這是尋找食物的好方法。

    1 個防水乾燥袋
    1 個充滿液體的指南針
    1 條急救毯
    1 個 Slim Rescue Howler™ 口哨
    4 個 Fire Lite™ Tinder Quik 火種
    1 個 Fire Lite™ 微型火星塞,附火石滾筒
    1 個釣魚/針線包
    1 捲管膠帶,2"x26"
    重量:5.6 盎司


    The watertight SOL Scout survival kit has the survival tools that mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.

    ‧ Be Seen And Heard – Broadcast your location up to 10 miles away with the Mini Rescue Flash™ Signal Mirror and up to one mile away with the 100dB Slim Rescue Howler™ pealess whistle.
    ‧ Fix Yourself – Mini roll of duct tape to repair gear or yourself.
    ‧ Start Campfires and Camp Stoves – Fire Lite™ striker is waterproof and tested to produce over 5,000 sparks; Tinder Quik™ burns up to two minutes, even when wet.
    ‧ Stay Warm – Survival Blanket reflects 90% of radiated body heat.
    ‧ Weather the Elements – Professional quality RF-Welded dry-bag with roll-down closure keeps contents dry in any conditions.
    ‧ Find Your Way Back – Liquid-filled button compass to help you get your bearings straight.
    ‧ Fishing Kit – A great way to find food once your immediate needs (medical care, shelter, warmth, and hydration) have been addressed.

    1 water-tight dry bag
    1 liquid-filled compass
    1 emergency blanket
    1 mini rescue mirror
    1 Slim Rescue Howler™ whistle
    4 Fire Lite™ Tinder Quik tinders
    1 Fire Lite™ micro sparker w/ flint roller
    1 fishing/sewing kit
    1 roll of duct tape, 2"x26"
    Dimensions: 6.75"x1.5"x4"
    Weight: 5.6 oz

    Essentials for shelter, fire starting, signaling, navigation, gear repair, and more are housed in a roll-top watertight bag that will protect the tools in all conditions.