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    急救包 Mountain Series Intl Explorer

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    Explorer 全面而迷你,是家庭或小團體進行為期一周的冒險的理想背包急救箱。

    • 荒野與旅遊醫學:綜合指南 – 了解如何提供救命醫療服務。這本書由荒野醫學專家 Eric A. Weiss 醫學博士撰寫,包含 50 多種治療戶外傷害和疾病的即興技術和 100 張插圖。
    • 快速尋找設計 – 使用 Easy Care 整理系統快速尋找用品,該系統可將物品按損傷情況整理到標籤清晰的口袋中,讓您輕鬆找到所需物品。外部套件地圖顯示補給品的位置,而反光設計可協助您在夜間快速找到套件。
    • 創傷用品 – 使用面罩安全地進行心肺復甦,並使用創傷墊快速止血。使用彈性繃帶和三角繃帶固定扭傷和拉傷,以便您可以安全地徒步旅行。
    • 主要傷口護理 – 使用野外醫學標準的用品清潔和縫合遠足傷口,包括沖洗注射器、傷口閉合條和急救剪。
    • 一次性體溫計讓您精準評估發燒狀況。
    • 水泡預防和保護 – 使用鼴鼠皮在水泡開始出現之前阻止水泡,這是最可靠的敷料,可減少摩擦並防止徒步旅行者的第一大傷害。 14 個模切件的形狀適合常見問題區域。
    • 適合小團體長期露營旅行 – 專為 4 人長達 7 天的露營或健行而設計。

    1 - 管道膠帶,2 英吋 x 2.5 碼
    5 - 織物繃帶,1 英寸 x 3 英寸
    5 - 創可貼、織品、指關節
    1 - 荒野與旅遊醫學:綜合指南
    1 - 患者評估表
    2 - Skin Tac™ 局部濕紙巾
    1 - 傷口閉合條,1/4" x 4"
    1 - 布膠帶,1 英吋 x 10 碼
    2 - 無菌紗布敷料,4" x 4"
    2 - 無菌紗布敷料,2" x 2"
    2 - 繃帶、紗布、無菌 3"
    2 - 無菌非黏性敷料,3" x 4"
    1 - 創傷墊,5 英寸 x 9 英寸,1 個。
    1 - 三角繃帶,42" x 42" x59",1 件,42" x 42" x59",1 件
    1 - GlacierGel™ 水泡和燒傷敷料(小矩形)
    1 - 彈性繃帶,3 英寸
    1 - 鼴鼠皮,預切/成型
    3 - 一次性溫度計,攝氏度
    1 - 傷口沖洗工具,20 cc
    1 - 碎片/蜱蟲移除鉗
    1 - 急救剪,4"
    1 - 丁腈手套 Pkg/1 雙
    1 - 帶單向閥的 CPR 面罩
    1 - 安全別針
    1 - 棉尖塗抹器
    1 - 鉛筆


    Comprehensive yet compact, the Explorer is the ideal backpacking first aid kit for families or small groups headed out on a week-long adventure.

    ‧ Wilderness & Travel Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide – Know how to provide life-saving medical care. Written by wilderness medicine expert Eric A. Weiss, MD, this book includes over 50 improvised techniques and 100 illustrations for treating outdoor injuries and illnesses.
    ‧ Find it Fast Design – Find supplies quickly with the Easy Care organization system, which organizes contents by injury into clearly-labeled pockets, letting you easily find what you need at a moment's notice. An external kit map shows where supplies are located, while the reflective design helps you find the kit quickly at night.
    ‧ Trauma Supplies – Administer CPR safely with the face shield, and stop bleeding quickly using the trauma pad. Stabilize sprains and strains with the elastic and triangular bandages so you can hike out safely.
    ‧ Major Wound Care – Clean and close hiking injuries with supplies that set the standard in backcountry medicine, including an irrigation syringe, wound closure strips, and EMT shears.
    ‧ The single-use thermometer lets you accurately assess fevers.
    ‧ Blister Prevention & Protection – Stop blisters before they start with moleskin, the most reliable dressing to reduce friction and prevent the hiker's #1 injury. The 14 die-cut pieces are shaped to fit common problem areas.
    ‧ For Small Groups on Extended Camping Trips – Designed for 4 people up to 7 days for your camping or hiking trip.

    1 - Duct Tape, 2" x 2.5 Yards
    5 - Adhesive Bandage, Fabric, 1" x 3"
    5 - Adhesive Bandage, Fabric, Knuckle
    1 - Wilderness & Travel Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide
    1 - Patient Assessment Form
    2 - Skin Tac™ Topical Adhesive Wipe
    1 - Wound Closure Strip, 1/4" x 4"
    1 - Cloth Tape, 1" x 10 Yards
    2 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 4" x 4"
    2 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 2" x 2"
    2 - Bandage, Conforming Gauze, Sterile 3"
    2 - Sterile Non-Adherent Dressing, 3" x 4"
    1 - Trauma Pad, 5'' x 9'', 1 ea.
    1 - Triangular Bandage, 42" x 42" x59", 1 ea., 42" x 42" x59", 1 ea.
    1 - GlacierGel™ Blister & Burn Dressing, (Small Rectangular)
    1 - Elastic Bandage, 3"
    1 - Moleskin, Pre-Cut/Shaped
    1 - Wound Irrigation Tool, 20 cc
    1 - Splinter/Tick Remover Forceps
    1 - EMT Shears, 4"
    1 - Nitrile Gloves Pkg/1 pair
    1 - CPR Face Shield with Oneway Valve
    1 - Safety Pin
    1 - Cotton Tip Applicator
    1 - Pencil

    This water-resistant medical kit contains an abundance of hospital-quality first aid supplies to treat common hiking injuries and illnesses.