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ATS Type 3 Set (Cookset)

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ATS (Aluminum Thermal Spraying) 設計,於COOKSET 底層加上鋁塗層,防止因為釱合金傳熱太快而令食物煮燶,令火力更平均,有齊釱合金(輕) 及鋁合金(方便)的優點 (套裝包括兩高身煲 0.9L & 1.3L及兩蓋連煎PAN 

Aluminum Thermal Spraying

Ultra-lightweight titanium material with high durability and superexcellent processing technologies expand the world of outdoor cooking.

Size See TYPE-3M and TYPE-3L.
Gross weight 397g
Accessories Nylon sack
※ It is a set of ATS titanium cooker TYPE-3M, L.