After Bite Kids 止癢霜可緩解搔癢,對兒童和敏感皮膚溫和。
• 對兒童和敏感肌膚溫和 – 將這款昆蟲叮咬霜塗抹在兒童或敏感肌膚上,可溫和緩解搔癢和不適。
• #1 藥師推薦品牌 – 使用 After Bite 止癢,被評為昆蟲叮咬治療藥師推薦第一品牌。
• 止癢霜 – 依靠這款強效止癢霜配方,可緩解因蚊子、黑蠅和紅火蟻叮咬而引起的瘙癢。
• 超過 45 年值得信賴 – After Bite 是北美銷量排名第一的昆蟲叮咬治療藥物,45 年來一直在止癢。
• 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯且無動物實驗 – 被兒童咬後服用,是一種有效的止癢解決方案,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯且無動物實驗。
• 便攜式塗抹器 – 將 After Bite Kids 添加到您的遠足裝備、露營車或兒童夏令營包中,以便在出現叮咬昆蟲時緩解瘙癢。該管可輕鬆放入背包、口袋或錢包內。
主要成分:水、鯨蠟硬脂醇、聚山梨醇酯 60、碳酸氫鈉、油醇聚醚-3、蘆薈葉汁
After Bite Kids anti-itch cream provides itch relief that is gentle on kids and sensitive skin.
‧ Gentle on Kids & Sensitive Skin – Apply this insect bite cream to children or those with sensitive skin for gentle relief from itching and discomfort.
‧ #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand – Stop the itch from bug bites with After Bite, named the #1 pharmacist recommended brand for insect bite treatment.
‧ Itch Relieving Cream – Rely on this powerful cream formula to relieve itching caused by bug bites from mosquitoes, black flies, and fire ants.
‧ Trusted for Over 45 Years – The #1 selling insect bite treatment in North America, After Bite has been stopping the itch from bug bites for over 45 years.
‧ Paraben and Cruelty-Free – Grab After Bite Kids for an effective itch solution that contains no parabens and is cruelty-free.
‧ Portable Applicator – Add After Bite Kids to your hiking gear, camper, or kid’s summer camp pack for itch relief whenever biting insects show up. The tube fits easily inside packs, pockets, or purses.
Main Ingredients: Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Polysorbate 60, Sodiym Bicarbonate, Oleth-3, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
The trusted formula relieves itching caused by insect bites from mosquitoes, biting flies, fire ants, bees, and more.