#1 藥劑師推薦品牌
• 超過 45 年值得信賴 – After Bite 是北美銷量排名第一的昆蟲叮咬治療藥物,45 年來一直在止癢。
• 止癢液 – 強效液體配方,可舒緩因蚊子、黑蠅及紅火蟻叮咬而引起的搔癢。
• 手提式塗抹筆 – 適合旅行攜帶的塗抹筆可輕鬆放入背包、口袋或錢包中,因此無論您走到哪裡,都可以止癢。
• 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯且無動物實驗 – 咬後即取,是一種有效的止癢解決方案,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯且無動物實驗。
主要成分:水,氨水,液體石蠟,聚二甲基矽氧烷,C12-13-3 鏈烷醇
使用易於使用的便攜式 After Bite Advanced 管來止癢和蚊蟲叮咬的不適。 After Bite 昆蟲叮咬治療產品被評為排名第一的昆蟲叮咬緩解藥劑師推薦品牌,45 年來一直在止癢。
#1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand
‧ Trusted for Over 45 Years – The #1 selling insect bite treatment in North America, After Bite has been stopping the itch from bug bites for over 45 years.
‧ Itch Relieving Liquid – Powerful liquid formula to relieve itching caused by bug bites from mosquitoes, black flies, and fire ants.
‧ Portable Applicator Pen – The travel-friendly pen fits easily into packs, pockets, or purses, so you have itch relief wherever you go.
‧ Paraben and Cruelty-Free – Grab After Bite for an effective itch solution that contains no parabens and is cruelty-free.
Main Ingredients: Aqua, Ammonia, Paraffinum liquidum, Dimethicone, C12-13-3 Pareth
Stop the itching and discomfort of bug bites with an easy-to-apply, portable tube of After Bite Advanced. Named the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand for insect bite relief, After Bite insect bite treatment has been stopping the itch for over 45 years.