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  • DF49457520110

    超輕碳纖維跑山杖 Alpine Pro Pole

    Size in cm

    • 折疊式
    • 變速換檔系統

    高度可調:0 - 0
    最大長度:135 厘米
    桿握把:EVA 泡沫

    立即準備好:可折疊的 Alpine Pro 碳纖維桿具有創新的變速機構,可幫助您在越野跑中真正保持良好的配速。 一旦你鬆開桿子,它會在幾秒鐘內自動彈出。 透過使用手柄上的系統輕鬆打開,您可以將其再次折疊並將其固定在背包上以節省空間。 這意味著您不會在步道上浪費寶貴的時間,並且您可以在需要時隨時輕鬆地將滑雪杖拿到手中- 無論是在攀爬時提供額外幫助,還是在技術要求較高的下坡時保持穩定性。 極出,極遠,重複。 Alpine Pro 可折疊桿沒問題。 停下來拼一根桿子已經是昨天,不停地拼起來就是今天! 由於採用優質碳纖維,Alpine Pro 桿非常輕,當您真正加快上坡速度時,您幾乎感覺不到它的存在。 即使在激烈的跑步中,採用 EVA 泡棉的握把也能牢固地握在手中。

    Trail running poles made of carbon fiber with innovative shift system.

    ‧ Foldable
    ‧ Shift System

    Height adjustable: 0 - 0
    Maximal Length: 135 cm
    Packing Size: 40cm
    Pole Grip: EVA foam
    Pole Material: Carbon
    Pole Tip: Racing basket
    Weight: 169 g

    Ready to go in a snap: The foldable Alpine Pro carbon fiber poles with the innovative shift mechanism helps you really hold to a good pace on trail runs. As soon as you let go of the pole, it automatically pops together in seconds. With the easy opening using the system on the grip, you can fold it up again and attach it to your pack to save space. Meaning you don’t lose valuable time on the trails and you can easily get your poles into your hands at any time when you need them – whether for an extra aid on the climb or for stability on technically demanding downhills. Poles out, poles away, repeat. No problem with the Alpine Pro foldable pole. Stopping to put together a pole is so yesterday, putting them together without stopping is today! Thanks to the use of premium carbon fiber, the Alpine Pro pole is extremely light, and you hardly feel it when you really push the pace on the uphill. The grip with EVA foam stays securely and firmly in your hand, even on intense runs.