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  • BENS00067187

    【含30% DEET 長效 7 小時】Ben's 30 Tick & Insect Repellent Pump Spray


    這款 30% 避蚊胺噴霧劑為您的家人提供終極保護,並證明可以驅除攜帶疾病的昆蟲,包括蜱蟲和蚊子。

    • 終極守護者
    • 30% 避蚊胺
    • 7小時保護
    • CDC推薦活性成分
    • 預防攜帶疾病的昆蟲
    • 水性配方
    • 超輕驅蟲劑
    • 無香料
    • 美國製造

    活性成分:30% 避蚊胺

    帶上這瓶超輕的 Ben's 30% 避蚊胺驅蜱蟲劑,以確保您免受昆蟲叮咬。

    終極保護器 – Ben's 是防止昆蟲叮咬的終極保護器。 Ben's 是在新罕布夏州製造的,並在昆蟲之鄉的中心懷特山脈進行了酷刑測試。
    CDC 建議的活性成分 – 選擇 CDC 建議的活性成分來驅除攜帶疾病的昆蟲。 這款 30% DEET 驅蟲劑可提供數小時的持久保護。
    防止攜帶疾病的昆蟲 – Ben's 30 可以驅除可能攜帶萊姆病、寨卡病毒、登革熱和西尼羅河病毒的蜱蟲和蚊子。
    水性配方 – 使用 Ben's 30 不會產生酒精的刺痛或乾燥效果。
    超輕量驅蟲劑 – 緊湊型 1.25 盎司。 泵式噴霧可輕鬆放入您的背包、錢包或口袋中,非常適合旅行、遠足、背包旅行、釣魚和狩獵。
    不含香料 – Ben's 30% 避蚊胺採用不含香料的配方,因此您聞到的是戶外的美妙氣味,而不是驅蟲劑的氣味。

    This 30% DEET bug spray provides ultimate protection for your family and is proven to repel disease-carrying insects, including ticks and mosquitoes.

    ‧ The Ultimate Protector
    ‧ 30% DEET
    ‧ 7 Hours of Protection
    ‧ CDC-Recommended Active Ingredient
    ‧ Protection from Disease-Carrying Insects
    ‧ Water-Based Formula
    ‧ Ultralight Insect Repellent
    ‧ Fragrance Free
    ‧ Made in the USA

    Active Ingredient: 30% DEET
    Inactive Ingredients: Water, Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether, Propylene Glycol

    Pack this ultralight bottle of Ben's 30% DEET Tick and Insect Repellent to keep you safe from biting insects.

    The Ultimate Protector – Ben's is the ultimate protector from biting insects. Ben's is made in New Hampshire and torture tested in the White Mountains, the heart of bug country.
    CDC-Recommended Active Ingredient – Choose an active ingredient recommended by the CDC to repel disease-carrying insects. This 30% DEET insect repellent provides hours of lasting protection.
    Protection from Disease-Carrying Insects – Ben's 30 repels ticks and mosquitoes that may carry Lyme disease, Zika virus, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.
    Water-Based Formula – Apply Ben's 30 without the stinging or drying effect of alcohol.
    Ultralight Insect Repellent – The compact 1.25 oz. pump spray fits easily into your pack, purse, or pocket, perfect for travel, hiking, backpacking, fishing and hunting.
    Fragrance Free – Ben's 30% DEET has a fragrance-free formula so you'll smell the great outdoors, not your repellent.