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    遠足嬰兒揹帶 Acorn Baby

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    ‧ 通風肩帶
    ‧ 3種背法:面朝內(新生兒)、面朝外、背背
    ‧ 腰帶,攜帶舒適
    ‧ 嬰兒臀部的人體工學坐姿
    ‧ 柔軟棉布
    ‧ 安全易夾扣
    ‧ 內置嬰兒頭部支撐
    ‧ 符合BS安全標準

    1. 對於新生兒 - 將拉鍊完全拉緊以確保臀部和腿部正確放置在“M 位置”,將寶寶高高地放在胸前(這樣您就可以親吻他們的頭)。 確保頭部支撐處於直立位置


    2. 外向的位置 - 五個月大的好奇寶寶會喜歡看外面的世界。 使用兩個側夾固定頭部支撐

    3. 方便背負 - 適合 12 個月大的寶寶,您可以背著您的孩子


    550 x 330 毫米

    使用這款簡單易用的嬰兒穿戴解決方案,在寶貴的早期與您的新生兒享受親密和舒適。 適合從出生到 3 歲,嬰兒背帶有 3 個前後背負位置,可隨著您和您的寶寶的成長而變化。 Acorn 讓您可以騰出雙手來執行日常任務,無需笨重的嬰兒車即可享受外出活動。 它是完全可調的,可以隨著寶寶的成長而成長,並希望看到更多的世界。

    這款嬰兒背帶的肩帶採用非常舒適的透氣棉質面料,結合寬大柔軟的腰帶,有助於均勻分佈孩子的體重,帶來真正的背負舒適感。 肩帶完全可調,背帶內置頭部支撐,適合年幼的嬰兒使用。 整個帶扣都是經過測試符合英國標準的安全易扣帶扣。 手洗背帶,易於護理。

    國際髖關節發育不良研究所 (IHDI) 承認 Acorn 是一種“有益於髖關節健康”的嬰兒背帶。

    ‧ Air-flow shoulder straps
    ‧ 3 carrying positions: facing in (newborn), facing out and back carry
    ‧ Hip belt for carrying comfort
    ‧ Ergonomic seating position for baby’s hips
    ‧ Soft cotton fabrics
    ‧ Secure easy-clip buckles
    ‧ Built-in baby head support
    ‧ Complies with BS Safety Standards

    1. For newborns - With the zips fully closed to ensure correct hip and leg placement in the ‘M position’, place your baby high up on your chest (so that you can kiss their head). Ensure the head support is in the upright position

    Inward-facing position - As your baby gets bigger, use the lower seating position so that they can be in the position that allows you to kiss their head

    2. Outward-facing position - Curious little ones from five months old will enjoy looking out to the world. Use the two side clips to pin down head support

    3. Easy back carrying - Ideal from 12 months, you can carry your toddler on your back


    Dimensions (unpacked)
    550 x 330mm

    Enjoy closeness and comfort with your newborn in those precious early days with this simple to use baby-wearing solution. Suitable from birth to 3 years, the baby carrier has 3 front and back carrying positions to evolve with you and your baby as they grow. The Acorn leaves your hands free to perform daily tasks and enjoy getting out and about without a cumbersome pushchair. It is fully adjustable to grow with your baby as they develop and wish to see more of the world.

    The baby carrier features a very comfortable air-flow cotton fabric for the shoulder straps, helping to distribute child's weight evenly in conjunction with a wide soft hip belt for real carrying comfort. The straps are fully-adjustable and the carrier has built-in head support for use with very young babies. The buckles throughout are secure easy-clip buckles which have been tested to comply with British Standards. Hand wash the carrier for easy care.

    The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) acknowledges the Acorn to be a “hip-healthy” baby carrier.