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‧ 改良配方
‧ 保持雙手乾燥
‧ 提供良好的摩擦力
‧ 塗佈均勻
‧ 持久
‧ 100%純碳酸鎂
‧ 無添加
‧ 無干燥劑
‧ 58克
這款 100% 碳酸鎂粉末純淨無添加,可保持雙手乾燥並提供良好的摩擦力。 特殊配方,塗得均勻,粘得更久。 簡潔的性能 - 非常適合雄心勃勃的項目。
Product Description
‧ Improved formula
‧ Keeps your hands dry
‧ Provides good friction
‧ Even-coating
‧ Long-lasting
‧ 100% pure magnesium carbonate
‧ Additive-free
‧ No drying agents
‧ 58 grams
Pure and additive-free, this block of 100% magnesium carbonate powder keeps your hands dry and provides good friction. Special formula to coat evenly and stick longer. No-frills performance - perfect for ambitious projects.