‧ 高山搖桿
‧ Gore-Tex 薄膜
‧ 隱形鞋帶
‧ Pomoca 鞋底滑行道
‧ Pomoca 外底
‧ GORE-TEX 隱形貼合
‧ 無縫鞋舌
掌跟差 (Drop)
22+4 / 30+4 毫米(前掌/後跟)
防水、緩震良好且舒適 - Ultra 50 GTX 女款是在具有挑戰性的高山小徑上長距離跑步的完美跑鞋。 有了 Ultra 50 GTX,即使在雨天或泥濘中也不會走得太遠。 這款鞋專為在需要安全和保護的高山地形上長跑而開發。 這款越野跑鞋具有令人印象深刻的緩震性能和舒適的貼合感,即使在 40k 或更遠的距離上也不會停止。 其創新的 GORE-TEX Invisible Fit Membrane 為 Ultra 50 GTX 增加了一層額外的防水屏障,即使在潮濕的條件下也能讓您的雙腳可靠地保持乾爽。 憑藉 8 毫米的落差、帶圓邊的 Alpine Rocker 外底設計和高水平的緩衝,Ultra 50 即使在苛刻的地形上也能帶來動感。 防水 GORE-TEX Invisible Fit 技術的靈活結構和無縫鞋舌結構確保這款鞋提供出色的穩定性,同時不會讓您的腳抽筋,有效防止壓力點。 這款鞋還配備了超跑距離,具有高容量合腳性。 Ultra 50 GTX 的 POMOCA 外底以其開放、霸氣的胎面脫穎而出。 這種胎面專為潮濕和泥濘的表面而開發,即使在不利條件下也能提供最佳的抓地力和響應能力。 鞋頭處的加固防彈緩衝墊和敏感區域的 TPU 覆蓋層可保護雙腳免受岩石地形衝擊的影響。 使用傳統的繫帶系統,您可以根據您的腳部解剖結構定制精確貼合。 Invisible Lacing System 的額外織物層可讓鞋帶在跑步時安全存放,並防止灰塵和石頭進入您的鞋子。 久經考驗的 DYNAFIT 腳跟預緊器為腳跟提供額外支撐。 Ultra 50 GTX – 無論天氣如何,都可以無限制地運行。
Long runs on alpine terrain, even in rain and mud.
‧ Alpine Rocker
‧ Gore-Tex Membrane
‧ Invisible Lacing
‧ Pomoca Gliding Path
‧ Pomoca outsole
‧ GORE-TEX invisible fit
‧ Seamless tongue
Stack Height
22+4 / 30+4 mm (forefoot/heel)
Waterproof, well-cushioned and comfortable – the Ultra 50 GTX for women is the perfect running shoe for long distances on challenging alpine trails. With the Ultra 50 GTX, no trail will be too long even in rain or mud. This shoe was developed especially for long runs on alpine terrain where safety and protection are demanded. The trail running shoe features impressive cushioning and a comfortable fit for comfort that never stops on distances of 40k or more. Its innovative GORE-TEX Invisible Fit Membrane adds an extra waterproof barrier to the Ultra 50 GTX to keep your feet reliably dry even in wet conditions. With a drop of 8 mm, the Alpine Rocker outsole design with rounded edges, and a high level of cushioning, the Ultra 50 promotes a dynamic feel even on demanding terrain. The flexible construction of the waterproof GORE-TEX Invisible Fit Technology and the seamless tongue construction ensures this shoe offers great stability while never cramping your feet, effectively preventing pressure points. Also equipped for ultrarunning distances, the shoe has a high-volume fit. The Ultra 50 GTX’s POMOCA outsole stands out with its open, aggressive tread. This tread was developed especially for wet and muddy surfaces and offers optimum grip and responsiveness even in adverse conditions. Reinforcing Ballistic Bumpers at the toe box and TPU overlays at sensitive areas protect feet from the effect of impacts on rocky terrain. With the traditional lacing system, you can customize a precise fit to your foot’s anatomy. The Invisible Lacing System’s extra fabric layer keeps laces stowed securely on runs and keeps dirt and stones from getting into your shoes. The time-tested DYNAFIT Heel Preloader lends extra support at the heel. Ultra 50 GTX – Running without limits no matter what the weather.