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    德國旅行小袋 Sqzy Pouch Set


    Ultra-light, cuboid storage pouch set: Tatonka SQZY Pouch Set

    Thanks to the shape and the completely openable lid, luggage, especially clothes, can be neatly stored in the SQZY Pouches.

    The set consists of four pouches of different color and size. The three smaller ones fit perfectly on top of the large pouch since they have the same surface area when arranged together.

    The pouches are made of siliconized polyamide material. They are PFC free and washable.

    • Set with four sizes: 2 l, 20 x 10 x 8 cm, 25 g / 4 l, 20 x 20 x 8 cm, 30 g / 6 l, 30 x 15 x 8 cm, 35 g / 8 l, 35 x 30 x 5 cm, 50 g
    • Flap with two way zip
    • Extremely light material
    • PFC free
    • Available as a set of 4
    • Washable


    Volume: 1,5l/ 3l/ 3,5l/ 5l
    Weight: 140 g (set)
    Fabric 1: T-Light Tex