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    德國旅行小袋 Sqzy Stuff Bag Set

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    ‧ 套裝共有三種尺寸:0.5 升、13 x 8 x 5 厘米、10 克/5 升、30 x 17.5 x 10 厘米、25 克/10 升、38 x 24 x 13 厘米、35 克
    ‧ 底部為長方形,因此也可用於平包及背包
    ‧ 帶繩鎖的繩子
    ‧ 材質極輕
    ‧ 不含 PFC
    ‧ 實用3件套
    ‧ 可洗的

    面料 1:T-Light Tex

    帶抽繩和繩塞的超輕收納袋套裝:Tatonka SQZY 收納袋套裝


    該套裝由三個不同顏色的袋子組成,容量分別為 0.5 升、5 升和 10 升。 由於底部為矩形,袋子可以很好地包裝。

    儲物袋由矽化聚酰胺織物製成,不含 PFC,可水洗。

    Ultra-lightweight stuff bag set with drawstring and cord stopper

    ‧ Set with three sizes: 0,5 l, 13 x 8 x 5 cm, 10 g / 5 l, 30 x 17,5 x 10 cm, 25 g / 10 l, 38 x 24 x 13 cm, 35 g
    ‧ Rectangular-shaped bottom, so it can also be used in flat bags and backpacks
    ‧ String with cord lock
    ‧ Extremely light material
    ‧ PFC free
    ‧ Practical set of 3
    ‧ Washable

    Volume: 0,5l / 5l / 10l
    Weight: 70 g
    Fabric 1: T-Light Tex

    Ultra-lightweight stuff bag set with drawstring and cord stopper: Tatonka SQZY Stuff Bag Set

    The stuff bags are ideal for sorting luggage and can also be used as storage bags in everyday life.

    The set consists of three bags of different colors with 0.5 liter, 5 liter and 10 liter volume. Due to the rectangular bottom the bags can be packed very well.

    The storage bags are made of siliconized polyamide fabric, they are PFC free and washable.